Collection of personal data

Personal data includes data that directly identifies you (such as your name), data that indirectly identifies you (such as your email address or phone number), and data that can be linked to you (such as your listening history or favorite content).

Although registering with CVLiveStream does not require you to provide data that directly and personally identifies you, we consider any data that may be linked to you as personal, and we treat it as such.

We collect the following personal data when you sign up to CVLiveStream and use our service.

Contact info

Name, email address*, phone number, social logins, age*, gender
Provided by you or your service provider when you sign up to CVLiveStream


User ID*, device IDs
User ID assigned by us when you sign up to CVLS, device IDs collected by us when you use CVLS.

Financial info

Payment info*, transactions*
Provided by you when you subscribe to a paid plan or a try & buy offer.


Coarse location (IP address)
Collected by us when you sign in and use CVLS.

Usage data

Product interaction (including listening data)*, advertising data*
Collected by us when you use CVLS or when you interact with ads.

User content

Photos, audio data*, Customer Care requests
Provided by you when you use CVLS or when you contact our Customer Care.

Search history

Searches performed on CVLS*
Provided by you when you search content on CVLS.


Crash data, performance data
Collected by us if the experience crashes while using CVLS.

Data marked with an * is required to allow you to sign up to CVLS, to subscribe to one of our paid plans or try & buy offers, or to use our service and its features.


Product personalization

We use your data to enable you to personalize your profile and playlists, and to provide you with content recommendations based on your listening history and favorite content.

Contact info

Name, age, gender


User ID, device IDs


Coarse location

Usage data

Product interaction

User content


Search history


Payment and royalties

We use your data to process your payment when subscribing to a paid plan or a try & buy offer, fulfill our tax and accounting obligations, and pay royalties to music labels and record companies. We use an external payment provider and therefore don’t store your payment method details.

Contact info

Email address, phone number


User ID

Financial info

Payment info, transactions


Coarse location

Usage data

Product interaction




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